All Saints' Day in Sevillian style

Seville is characterised as a unique city in many ways, and the celebration of All Saints’ Day was to be no exception.

A different kind of day, also to be enjoyed

Traditionally, 1 November in Spain is a day marked by flowers that decorate the tombs and cemeteries of every city. In Seville, the day of the dead goes beyond the scent of chrysanthemums and saint’s bones, and the Sevillians commemorate this day in a very special and unique way that even has its own name: Don Juan Tenorio.

Don Juan Tenorio is a famous work of Spanish literature written by José Zorrilla. This popular play, set in Seville in the Middle Ages, comes to life on Saint’s Day in the form of a play. It is now a tradition to see the performance of Don Juan Tenorio in the cemetery of San Fernando, located in the San Jerónimo neighbourhood.

As well as enjoying theatrical and musical performances in the cemetery, Sevillians take the opportunity to visit its notorious funerary monuments, such as the bronze statue of ‘Joselito el Gallo’, a famous bullfighter whose early death shocked the whole city and whose monument is one of the most impressive in the cemetery. Also worth visiting are the different tombstones of famous figures such as that of the president of the II Republic, Diego Martínez Barrio, or that of the cantaora ‘Niña de los Peines’.

However, the Sevillian traditions of All Saints’ Day coexist in perfect harmony with more modern customs such as, for example, Halloween. This festival, celebrated on the eve of All Souls’ Day, is also very popular among young Sevillians. For this occasion, the Sevillian capital organises numerous activities in theatres and shopping centres. However, the event that stands out the most is the one held at the Isla Mágica amusement park.

In addition, to round off All Saints’ Day in Sevillian style, the city invites you to stroll through its different streets which, dressed in autumnal colours, aromas and flavours, offer an unbeatable tour of its monuments and tourist attractions. Seville offers a unique opportunity to experience a All Souls’ Day unlike any other. Are you going to miss it?