Luis Cernuda is one of the most outstanding figures of the Generation of ’27, a literary current without which poetry would not be what it is today. By the way, did you know that the Generation of ’27 experienced its baptism (a kind of initiatory event) at the Ateneo de Sevilla?
Cernuda expresses like no one else the atmosphere of Seville, and those images that acquire all their existential meaning in the distance, in the memory. His birthplace in Acetres Street, his home in Aire Street or Judería Street, where the famous magnolia tree of Ocnos was located, are places that will remind you of the quality of his work.
«Over the walls of the garden, the immense magnolia tree sprouted covering everything with its branches. Between the shiny and sharp leaves, in spring, the snowy flakes of its flowers rested with that subtle mystery of the virgin. That magnolia tree was always for me something more than a beautiful reality: in it the image of life was encoded.»