Seville and the tunas on the Immaculate Conception: a mix of tradition, history, religion and lots of music

On December 8 is celebrated the day of the Immaculate Conception. An outstanding date that honors the birth of the Virgin Mary, and in Seville goes hand in hand with the tradition of the tunas, which has been alive for more than 60 years. But, what does this historic celebration consist of? Read on and don’t miss any detail.

A historical tradition in honor of the Virgin and music

Since its inception in 1952, these tunas referred to organized groups of young people from different university faculties who were going to sing to the Virgin to the monument of the Immaculate Conception, located in the Plaza del Triunfo. The Tuna de Peritos Industriales was the first who came to the monument of the Immaculate Conception to sing, which meant that Cardinal Segura awarded the white sash to this tuna, the pioneer in making the song to the Virgin in the monument. And today, it is still the only one who wears it. However, this tuna was not the first to turn this celebration into a regular event. The Tuna de Medicina was the pioneer in repeating this act every year, and today there are more than 10 groups that fill the city of Seville with music in an offering to the Virgin during the night of December 7th. A date in which the enjoyment is guaranteed for those who come to visit the city and in an unbeatable location, framed by the Cathedral of Seville, the Archivo de Indias, Reales Alcázares and the Casa de la Provincia.

Unity, traditions and a good atmosphere

The celebration of the Immaculate Conception and the traditional tunas have acquired a transcendent role in the national panorama. So much so, that tunos from all over Spain come to enjoy this festival on the weekend, even days before the festival itself. In addition, you can enjoy the great atmosphere that is breathed in the streets from the evening, as many tunos go out to celebrate and dine in different places in the center of Seville. And something very important to note is that this celebration does not understand generations, but brings together both young and old. From the oldest to the most novice, has its place reserved to be part of this party so characteristic.

Hymns to monuments and a must-see itinerary

Each tuna has its own customs. On the evening of the 7th, as well as the day before and after, there are many who decide to sing to the monument of Don Juan Tenorio, Placita de Santa Marta, the Arco del Postigo or the Puerta del Banco de España. And of course, a must is the arrival at the monument in parades, already from the entrance hall. The order of performance in the offering follows an organization based on the seniority of the tunas, so that the one in charge of starting the offering is the Tuna of Medicine. This opens the event with the replique of the bells of the cathedral at 00:00h.

The duration of each tuna is 15 minutes, and each intervention is made in a continuous and continuous to the previous one. We recommend that if you want to have good visibility, go to the event with enough time and look for a place in the area closest to the monument. Do not forget to dress warmly!

More and more visitors are coming from other parts of Spain and the world to attend this event. We assure you that your hair will stand on end with the atmosphere and the excitement that you can breathe in this special night of December.