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Salinas House

The best Renaissance combined with Gothic and Mudejar in a harmony of styles unique in the world. It was in this context that the Casa de Salinas was erected.

One of the most beautiful houses in Seville

Situated in the monumental area of the old town of Seville, a stone’s throw from the cathedral, La Giralda and Los Reales Alcázares, this house shared with other mansions a neighborhood of illustrious and wealthy people. Baltasar Jaén, first owner of the house and founder of his own entailed estate, belonged to one of these lineages.


At the beginning of the 20th century the house became the property of the Salinas family, who subjected it to a delicate and meticulous restoration process to restore it to its original appearance, which had been altered in part with interventions carried out throughout its four hundred years of history, and especially around 1900.



At present, it sports its primitive 16th century structures with elements typical of the time of its construction, aesthetically harmonized as reflected in its warm and comfortable interiors.




Mateos Gago, 39